Cade Brumley, Jefferson Parish Public School Superintendent

A product of the public education system in Louisiana, Dr. Cade Brumley has also invested his entireprofessional career in Louisiana’s public system as an educator. He has served as a teacher, coach,assistant principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent. Prior to his March 2018 appointment in Jefferson, he served six years as DeSoto Parish Schools Superintendent in Northwest Louisiana. During his time in DeSoto, results greatly improved and the system now ranks as one of Louisiana’s top ten districts for student academic achievement. DeSoto also earned it’s first “A” rating from the Louisiana Department of Education under his leadership. Most recently, Dr. Brumley also served as the President of the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents. Dr. Brumley led JPPSS in adopting a district-wide Tier 1 curriculum, which equips all schools with the highest-rated learning resources available. He also created a Transformation Network to provide extra support and resources for our highest-need schools as part of an equity agenda, and secured nearly $2 million in additional funding for these students and educators.
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