October Guest Speaker

Dr. Cade Brumley, Superintendent

Dr. Cade Brumley is a true product of the public school system. He was educated in Louisiana public schools and has spent his entire career serving children and families as a public schools employee.

Prior to becoming Jefferson Parish Public School System Superintendent, he was a teacher, coach, assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent. Dr. Brumley served as DeSoto Parish
School System Superintendent for six years. In that time, he helped DeSoto become an A-rated district. Dr. Brumley outlined his initial goals for JPPSS in his 100-day entry plan, Love to Learn;
Learn to Lead: A 100-Day Investment for a Stronger JPPSS. The strategies guiding his plan are to listen, learn, and lead. Through public forums and listening sessions, roundtable sessions with
students and teachers, home visits, tours of small businesses, and by carefully analyzing all aspects of the district, Dr. Brumley is focused on learning from all stakeholders and building a strong
foundation for more long term plans. You can keep up with Dr. Brumley on Twitter at @cadebrumley.


To Register For The October Luncheon, CLICK HERE

Luncheon Menu: Chopped Wedge, Herb Crusted Pork Loin served with Mashed Potatoes, Seasonal Vegetables and Chef selected Sauce. NY Style Cheesecake

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