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Joseph P. Lopinto, III is the Sheriff of Jefferson Parish. Sheriff Lopinto has served in several capacities within the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office: as Deputy, Detective, In-House Attorney, Commander of Field Operations, and Chief Criminal Deputy. Sheriff Lopinto joined the agency as a recruit in 1997.
Sheriff Lopinto is a graduate of Brother Martin High School in New Orleans. He earned an Associate’s Degree from Delgado Community College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Loyola University, and a Law Degree from Loyola University School of Law.
Sheriff Lopinto was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 2007 where he served for nine years. During his tenure as a State Representative, Sheriff Lopinto served as the Chairman of the House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice.
Sheriff Lopinto has been instrumental in educating his colleagues in the law enforcement community. He has been an instructor and mentor in the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Academy. He has also lectured at Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association events and among our many community group partnerships.
Sheriff Lopinto’s professional endeavors include work with the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Major County Sheriffs of America, the Gulf Coast HIDTA, the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, and the Jefferson Parish Homeland Security Committee.
Sheriff Lopinto and his family volunteer their time at numerous charitable events throughout the New Orleans metropolitan area.
Sheriff Lopinto is a lifelong resident of Jefferson Parish. He and his wife Lauren are the parents of twins: Lily and Joey